Monday, September 30, 2019

Abraham Lincoln: President of the USA Essay

Abraham Lincon was born Febuary 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. Born in a farming family, with tradgedy around him, Lincon perservered. Lincon became the sixteenth president of the United States, and guided America through some of it’s biggest struggles, such as the Civil War. In a world full of â€Å"You cannot do it†, Lincon ignored hate, and through each failure, found success. Abraham Lincon was birthed by Nancy Lincon and Thomas Lincon. Two years before Lincon was born, his mother had a daughter name Sarah. Thomas Lincon was the traditional frontier farmer. Lincon grew up seeing his father as ignorant, and did not admire his father. Both of Lincon’s parents worshipped at an anti-slavery church, that was very contriversal during the time in the slave state of Kentucky. See more:  The 3 Types of Satire Essay Lincon once shot a turkey while on the farm, and the sight of blood and dying repulsed him, that day Lincon knew he was never going to be a marksman. Lincon’s mother at age thrity four died of a â€Å"mill sick† disease. The widowed Tom Lincon re-married, and moved the family to Ohio. The summer of 1828, Lincon read the Declaration of Independence and was drawn into it. After that Lincon began reading books on law, and attending political meetings. In 1831, on a trip to New Orleans Lincon witnessed the brutality of slavery, and it was there where he formed his opinon on slavery; injust. In 1833, Lincon ran for state legislature, and lost. Instead, Lincon was state assemblyman, and would soon go represent Henry Clay’s Whig party. Lincon soon had a growing repuation. Lincon ran for State Legislature against Stephen Douglas, and lost. Lincon had many ups and downs with women, his first wife, dying and then he met Mary Todd and married. Servants who worked for Mary found her very obnoxious. A close friend of Lincon called the Lincon household as â€Å"Domestic hell on Earth†. Abe and Mary’s son Eddie, died, and Mary was very devestated. Later that year, they had another child named William. Abe’s father Tom became ill, and died, and Abe did not attend the funeral or mark his grave. In 1858, Abe ran against Douglas for U.S. Senate and was defeated. In 1857, the Dred Scott case came along. Abe compltely supported the case, and believed that all men should be equal. Douglas always thought that Lincon was preaching for â€Å"Negro citizenship†. Abe preached slavery was ethucally wrong. Later, Abe was nominated for president, and succeeded. Now began the fight for Abe to end slavery. Abe believed that the only way to beat slavery and change the constitution is to change the will of the people (Keneally 65). Abe stated that the Civil War was not to free slaves, but to save the union. Abe had the union victory at Antietam, which would serve as a baisis for his first Emancipation Proclamation. On January 1, 1863, Abe freed the slaves in the rebel states. After his first term, Abe was re-elected as President of the United States. Earlier in the month of April 1865, Abe had a dream he died of asassination. On April 14th, the Lincons went to John Fords Theatre to see Laura Keene’s benifiet performance of the â€Å"Our American Cousin†. It was there in the box seating of the John Ford theatre that Abe was shot in the back of the head by John Wilkes Booth. After the shoot, Booth jumped on stage and yelled â€Å"sic semper tyrannis†, the audience believing it to be part of the play since Booth was a well-known actor. Abe passed later that night and became the bloodied nation incarnate (Keneally 175). Before I read this book, the only thing I really knew about Abe Lincon was that he freed the slaves, and was known as â€Å"Honest Abe†. Abraham Lincon was sort of a totured soul. He lost his mother, and never really got along with his father. Abe never had much luck with the ladies, but seemed like a man who would do anything for a woman he loved. I envy Abe in a way. Abraham Lincon should really be a synonym in the dictionary behind the word â€Å"Perserverance†. Abe ran for an election, and was defeated, ran again, and was defeated. Ran again, and was defeated. And so on, and so forth. Out of all of Abe’s defeats he found the greatest thing of all; success. Not once did Abe ever give up. I am sure he thought about it many times, and reached his breaking point all to much, but he never let that stop him. Abraham Lincon was a man of many things, he had a roughness about him, and was disportionally awkward and clumsy. Abe had many failures from being defeated countlessly, and death of family and friends, he overcame it all. Abe is debatedly one of the best Presidents of the United States, and through defeat, he found success and his legacy will remain forever.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Introduction to Wind Tunnel

The basic concept and operation of subsonic wind tunnel was demonstrated in this experiment by conducting airfoil drag analysis on a NACA 0015 airfoil. The small subsonic wind tunnel along with apparatus such as, the manometer rake, the inclined manometer and the pitot – static tube were used with different baffle settings to record varying pressure readings. To achieve this objective, some assumptions were made for the lower range of subsonic flow to simplify the overall analysis.From the obtained aerodynamic measurements using a pitot-static tube mounted ahead of the airfoil at the test section, the actual velocity was determined and by relating it to the theoretical velocity, the velocity coefficient was calculated. The velocity coefficient varies for each baffle setting by a factor of decimals, thus the velocity coefficient can be used as a correction factor. Further, the coefficients of drag were calculated for the following angles of attack, 10o, 15o, and 20o and were co mpared with the published values. INTRODUCTIONThe wind tunnel is an absolute necessity to the development of modern aircrafts, as today, no manufacturer delivers the final product, which in this case can be civilian aircrafts, military aircrafts, missiles, spacecraft, and automobiles without measuring its lift and drag properties and its stability and controllability in a wind tunnel. Benjamin Robins (1707-1751), an English mathematician, who first employed a whirling arm to his machine, which had 4 feet long arms and it, spun by falling weight acting on a pulley however, the arm tip reached velocities of only few feet per second. 4] Figure 1: Forces exerted on the airfoil by the flow of air and opposing reaction on the control volume, by Newton’s third law. [1] This experiment will determine drag forces experienced by a NACA 0015 airfoil, subjected to a constant inlet velocity at various baffle settings with varying angles of attack.DATA ANALYSIS, THEORATICAL BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURE Apparatus in this experiment as shown in the figure 2, consisted of a small subsonic wind tunnel. The wind tunnel had an inlet cross-section of 2304 in2 and an outlet crosses section of 324 in2. A large compressor forced air from room) into the inlet through the outlet tunnel and back into the room. This creates a steady flow of air and a relative high velocity can be achieved in the test section. Instrumentation on the wind tunnel consisted of an inclined manometer and a pitot-static tube in the test section also a manometer rake behind the tested objet (airfoil NACA 0015). The manometer rake consisted of 36 inclined manometers; number 36 is used as a reference for the static pressure. All other manometer measures the pressure behind the object in the airflow. Figure 2: Wind tunnel set up with instrumentation [5]Before the experiment was performed the laboratory conditions were recorded, the room temperature was measured to be 22. 5 C (295. 65) and the atmospheric pressur e 29. 49 inHg (99853. 14Pa). Theory The setup of this experiment includes a NACA 0015 airfoil placed in the wind tunnel. Considering the cross-sectional area A1, velocity V1, and the density of air p1 at the inlet and similarly the cross-sectional area A2, velocity V2, and the density of air p2 at the outlet and by assuming that no mass is lost between the inlet-outlet section, we get the mass conservation equation, p1 V1 A1 = p2 V2 A2 (1).Further, the airflow can be assumed to be incompressible for this experiment due to low velocity, the equation (1) can be reduced to V1 A1 = V2 A2 (2), moreover, the air is assumed to be inviscid, the Bernoulli’s equation, p1+12? V12=p2+12? V22 (3) and the equation (2) can be reduced to Vth=2(p1-p2)/? 1-A2A12 (4) in order to find the theoretical velocity. The pitot – static tube is used to calculate the actual velocity of the flow by using, Vact= 2(p2-p1)? (5). Furthermore, the velocity coefficient can be calculated using, Cv=VactVth (6).The pressure and shear stress acting on the NACA 0015 airfoil produces a resultant force R, which according to the Newton’s third law produces an equal and opposite reaction force. For this experiment, in the condition of lower range of subsonic velocity, it can be assumed that pressure and density will be constant over the airfoil thus, D=jj+1? (uo2-ui2)dy=-12? uj2+uj+12o-uj2+uj+12iyj+1-yj (7) can be used to calculate the drag and, CD=Drag12(? air*Velocity2*area) (8) can be used for calculating the coefficient of drag. Procedure Part 1, Variation of inlet cross section:In this first part we recorded the pressure behavior in the test section by decreasing the inlet area. After the safety instructions were given by the TA and a chart for the readings prepared on the white board the wind tunnel was turned on. Two students were taking readings simultaneously from the inclined manometer in the test section and the static pitot tube, the readings were recorded in table 1. Bet ween each reading the compressor was turned off due to the sound level, it was important to give the compressor some time after each start up to have the same conditions as in the previous measurement.Part 2, recording the wake profile of NACA 0015 For this part of the experiment the inlet area was fully opened and the airfoil first set to an angle of attack of 10, the wind tunnel was turned on and all 36 readings recorded (table 2) from the manometer rake. The measurement was repeated for an angle of attack of 15 and 20. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The linear relationship between the V actual and the V theoretical approves of the theory that the velocity coefficient, Cv can be used as a correction factor for the theoretical velocity. This is further demonstrated in (Graph2). The calculated results are shown in table 1.The approximated literature values of the coefficient of drag for NACA 0015 airfoil were obtained from a NASA published report [3] for the 10o AoA, the percent relative er ror is 3. 1%, for 15o AoA, the percent relative error is 31. 0%, and for the 20o AoA, the percent relative error is 38. 7%. Increases in angle of attack lead to a more disturbed airflow behind the wing section. This disturbed airflow created more drag, these drag forces were clearly observable in table 3, 4. The angle of attack can be increased until the total drag forces become larger than the resultant lift- force; a wing is then no longer effective and stalls.The calculated drag forces are shown in tables 2-4. According to NASA, in their published report of Active flow control at low Reynolds numbers on a NACA 0015 airfoil, its is suggested that, by positioning the wake rake around 4. 5 times chord length behind wing to survey the wake. Further, two pressure orifices on opposite tunnel walls, aligned with the wake rake can be used to determine the average wake static pressure. This type of wake rake enables the wake to be surveyed with only a few moves of the wake rake, hence imp roving the measurements of drag using wake rake. 2] At large angles of attack, the upstream velocity of the airfoil can no longer be considered as the free-stream velocity, largely due to the miniature size of the wind tunnel relative to the NACA 0015 airfoil hence, the assumption that the uo max > ui is valid for this experiment.CONCLUSION Ergo, it is evidently seen in the graphs 1 and 2 that, the averaged velocity coefficient, Cv, 1. 063 can be used as the correction factor for the theoretical velocity. Further, the accurate (4-32) drag forces were calculated to be 2. 72 N, 13. 46 N, and 46. 4 N for the following angles of attack, 10o, 15o, and 20o. Moreover, the drag coefficient were also calculated based on the observed data and than were directly compared with the literature values. For the 10o of angle of attack, the percent relative error was very minimal at 3. 1% however; the drag coefficients for the 150 and the 20o were not very accurate, with the percent relative error of 31. 0% and 38. 7% respectively. This can be improved by implementing a smaller airfoil, so that the proportion of the wind tunnel covered by the airfoil is significantly smaller.Also, the skin friction losses along the edges of the wind tunnel may very well be taken into the account to achieve greater accuracy. Finally, it can be concluded that, as the angle of attack of the airfoil increases, the drag force will also increase due to the effect of flow separation. REFERENCES [1] Walsh, P. , Karpynczyk, J. , â€Å"AER 504 Aerodynamics Laboratory Manual† Department of Aerospace Engineering, 2011 [2] Hannon, J. (n. d. ). Active flow control at low reynolds numbers on a naca 0015 airfoil. Retrieved from http://ntrs. nasa. gov/archive/nasa/casi. ntrs. nasa. gov/20080033674_2008033642. pdf [3] Klimas, P.C. (1981, March). Aerodynamic characteristics of seven symmetrical airfoil section through 180-degree angle of attack for use in aerodynamic analysis of vertical axis wind turbi nes. Retrieved from http://prod. sandia. gov/techlib/access-control. cgi/1980/802114. pdf [4] Baals, D. D. (1981). Wind tunnels of nasa. (1st ed. , pp. 9-88). National Aeronautics And Space Administration. [5]Fig. 1, Wind tunnel set up with instrumentation, created by authors, 2012 APPENDIX Sample Calculations Note: AoA = ANGLE OF ATTACK. Sample calculations part 1, Baffle opening 5/5: Conversion inH2O to Pa (N/m2): 1 inH2O=248. 2 Pa (at 1atm) ?2inH2O ? 248. 82 PainH2O=497. 64 Pa Theoretical velocity: Equation (4): Vth=2(p1-p2)/? 1-A2A12 , where p1-p2=497. 64 Pa, A2=2304 in2, A1=324 in2, ? Density air (ideal gas law) laboratory conditions; 22. 5 C (295. 65K), 29. 49 inHg (99853. 14Pa): ? =pRT=99853. 14Pa287JkgK(295. 65K)? 1. 1768 kgm3 ?Vth=2(497. 64pa)/1. 1768kgm31-2304 in2324 in22=29. 37m/s Actual velocity: Equation (5):Vact= 2(p2-p1)? where p1-p2=522. 52 Pa, ? =1. 1768 kgm3 ? Vact= 2(522. 52Pa)1. 1768 kgm3=29. 80 m/s Velocity coefficient: Equation (6): Cv=VactVth=29. 8029. 37=1. 0 15 Sample Calculations Part 2, Angle of attack 10o, tube 1For dL, tube number 36 served as a reference pressure for all readings: 26. 4cm – 9. 2cm = 17. 2cm or 0. 172m Pressure difference, equation (7): ?p=SG*? H2O*g*L*sin? =1*1000kgm3*9. 81ms2*0. 172m*sin20o=577. 06 Pa Velocity, equation (8) note; pressure difference previously calculated: V1=2*SG*? H2O*g*L*sin air=2*577. 06 Pa1. 1768kgm3=31. 32 m/s Drag force, equation (9), for ui a velocity away from the tunnel wall was chosen to achieve a more realistic drag force: D=jj+1? (uo2-ui2)dy=-12? uj2+uj+12o-uj2+uj+12iyj+1-yj=-121. 1768kgm3(31. 32ms)2+( 31. 5ms)2o-2(31. 5m/s)2i0. 01m=0. 07 N Total drag force, summation lead to:Dtotal = 9. 04 N, however due to the boundary layer along the inner walls of the wind tunnel a more accurate summation is the sum of the values of tubes 4-32 which results in a total drag force of 2. 72 N. Coefficient of Drag Equation (9), for the drag force the more accurate summation of tube 4-32 was used : CD=Drag12(? air*Velocity2*area)=2. 72N12(1. 1768kgm3*31. 50ms2*(0. 1524m*1. 00m)=0. 031 To compare the Cd to a value found in literature the Reynolds number is required: Re=? air*V*cViscosity=1. 1768kgm3*31. 50 m/s*0. 1524m1. 789*10-5kgs*m=315782. 35 Observation and Results for Part 1Table 1, Observations/Results part 1| Baffle Opening| Inclined Manometer (inH2O)| Pa ( x 248. 82 Pa/inH2O)| Pitot Static (inH2O)| Pa ( x 248. 82 Pa/inH2O)| V theoretical (m/s)| V actual (m/s)| Cv| 5;5| 2. 00| 497. 640| 2. 10| 522. 52| 29. 37| 29. 80| 1. 015| 4;5| 1. 80| 447. 876| 1. 90| 472. 75| 27. 87| 28. 35| 1. 017| 3;5| 1. 15| 286. 143| 1. 25| 311. 02| 22. 27| 22. 99| 1. 032| 2;5| 0. 45| 111. 969| 0. 46| 114. 46| 13. 93| 13. 95| 1. 001| 1;5| 0. 05| 12. 441| 0. 08| 19. 905| 4. 64| 5. 82| 1. 252| Table 1: The theoretical velocity was calculated using the eq. (4) and the actual velocity was calculated using the eq. 5) from the obtained pressure data from the hand held pitot tube. The velocity coeffic ient, Cv, was calculated using the eq. (6). Note: The sample calculations are given in the appendix section of this report. Graph 1: The results from Table 1 were used to create the plot of V actual Vs. V theoretical. Graph 2: The plot of the velocity coefficient and the actual velocity. From the plot, it can be clearly seen the very minute difference between the velocity coefficient values. Observation and Results for Part 2 Table 2, Observations/Recordings part 2, Angle of attack 10 | Fluid length in tube ( ±. 1cm), Inclination 20|Tube Nr. | L (cm)| dL (cm)| Pressure (Pa)| u (m/s)| Drag force (N)| 1| 9. 2| 0. 07| 0. 07| 0. 07| 0. 07| 2| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 3| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 4| 9. 0| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| 5| 8. 8| -0. 13| -0. 13| -0. 13| -0. 13| 6| 8. 8| -0. 13| -0. 13| -0. 13| -0. 13| 7| 8. 8| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| 8| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 9| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 10| 9. 0| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 0 3| 11| 8. 9| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| 12| 9. 0| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| 13| 8. 9| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| 14| 8. 9| 0. 64| 0. 64| 0. 64| 0. 64| 5| 11. 0| 1. 68| 1. 68| 1. 68| 1. 68| 16| 12. 0| 1. 01| 1. 01| 1. 01| 1. 01| 17| 9. 0| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| 18| 8. 9| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| 19| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 20| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 21| 9. 0| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| 22| 8. 9| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| 23| 8. 9| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| -0. 07| 24| 8. 9| -0. 10| -0. 10| -0. 10| -0. 10| 25| 8. 8| -0. 10| -0. 10| -0. 10| -0. 10| 26| 8. 9| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| -0. 03| 27| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 28| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 29| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 30| 9. 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 0| 0. 00| 31| 9. 0| 0. 07| 0. 07| 0. 07| 0. 07| 32| 9. 2| 0. 34| 0. 34| 0. 34| 0. 34| 33| 9. 8| 0. 34| 0. 34| 0. 34| 0. 34| 34| 9. 2| 0. 07| 0. 07| 0. 07| 0. 07| 35| 9. 0| 5. 84| 5. 84| 5. 84| 5. 84| 36| 26. 4| 0| Reference| 0. 00| 0. 00| Total drag force (1-35)| 9. 04| Total drag force (4-32)| 2. 72| Coefficient of drag calculated| 0. 031| Coefficient of drag literature| 0. 030| Table 3, Observations/Recordings part 2, Angle of attack 15 | Fluid length in tube ( ±. 1cm), Inclination 20| Tube Nr. | L (cm)| dL (cm)| Pressure (Pa)| u (m/s)| Drag force (N)| 1| 8. 2| 0. 06| 0. 06| 0. 06| 0. 06| 2| 8| -0. 01| -0. 01| -0. 1| -0. 01| 3| 8| -0. 01| -0. 01| -0. 01| -0. 01| 4| 8| -0. 04| -0. 04| -0. 04| -0. 04| 5| 7. 9| -0. 08| -0. 08| -0. 08| -0. 08| 6| 7. 9| -0. 04| -0. 04| -0. 04| -0. 04| 7| 8| -0. 01| -0. 01| -0. 01| -0. 01| 8| 8| -0. 01| -0. 01| -0. 01| -0. 01| 9| 8| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 10| 8. 6| 0. 49| 0. 49| 0. 49| 0. 49| 11| 8. 9| 0. 49| 0. 49| 0. 49| 0. 49| 12| 8. 6| 0. 39| 0. 39| 0. 39| 0. 39| 13| 8. 6| 0. 56| 0. 56| 0. 56| 0. 56| 14| 9. 1| 1. 40| 1. 40| 1. 40| 1. 40| 15| 11. 1| 2. 51| 2. 51| 2. 51| 2. 51| 16| 12. 4| 2. 74| 2. 74| 2. 74| 2. 74| 17| 11. 8| 2. 40| 2. 40| 2. 40| 2. 40| 18| 11. 4| 2. 00| 2. 00| 2. 00| 2. 00| 9| 10. 6| 1. 47| 1. 47| 1. 47| 1. 47| 20| 9. 8| 1. 06| 1. 06| 1. 06| 1. 06| 21| 9. 4| 0. 79| 0. 79| 0. 79| 0. 79| 22| 9| 0. 63| 0. 63| 0. 63| 0. 63| 23| 8. 9| 0. 49| 0. 49| 0. 49| 0. 49| 24| 8. 6| 0. 39| 0. 39| 0. 39| 0. 39| 25| 8. 6| 0. 32| 0. 32| 0. 32| 0. 32| 26| 8. 4| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 27| 8. 4| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 28| 8. 4| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 29| 8. 4| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 30| 8. 4| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 31| 8. 4| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 0. 26| 32| 8. 4| 0. 32| 0. 32| 0. 32| 0. 32| 33| 8. 6| 0. 56| 0. 56| 0. 56| 0. 56| 34| 9. 1| 0. 56| 0. 56| 0. 56| 0. 56| 35| 8. 6| 6. 30| 6. 0| 6. 30| 6. 30| 36| 26. 2|   0. 00| Reference  | 0. 00  | 0. 00  | Total drag force (1-35)| 19. 55| Total drag force (4-32)| 13. 46| Coefficient of drag calculated| 0. 145| Coefficient of drag literature| 0. 100| Table 4, Observations/Recordings part 2, Angle of attack 20 | Fluid length in tube ( ±. 1cm), Inclination 20| Tube Nr. | L (cm)| dL (cm)| Pressure (Pa)| u (m/s)| Drag force (N)| 1| 8| 0. 16| 0. 16| 0. 16| 0. 16| 2| 7. 6| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 3| 7. 6| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 4| 7. 6| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 5| 7. 6| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 6| 7. 6| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 0. 03| 7| 7. 6| 0. 03| 0. 3| 0. 03| 0. 03| 8| 7. 6| 0. 09| 0. 09| 0. 09| 0. 09| 9| 7. 8| 0. 16| 0. 16| 0. 16| 0. 16| 10| 7. 8| 0. 23| 0. 23| 0. 23| 0. 23| 11| 8| 0. 50| 0. 50| 0. 50| 0. 50| 12| 8. 6| 1. 17| 1. 17| 1. 17| 1. 17| 13| 10| 2. 37| 2. 37| 2. 37| 2. 37| 14| 12. 2| 3. 58| 3. 58| 3. 58| 3. 58| 15| 13. 6| 5. 39| 5. 39| 5. 39| 5. 39| 16| 17. 6| 7. 21| 7. 21| 7. 21| 7. 21| 17| 19| 7. 88| 7. 88| 7. 88| 7. 88| 18| 19. 6| 7. 88| 7. 88| 7. 88| 7. 88| 19| 19| 7. 04| 7. 04| 7. 04| 7. 04| 20| 17. 1| 5. 73| 5. 73| 5. 73| 5. 73| 21| 15. 1| 4. 09| 4. 09| 4. 09| 4. 09| 22| 12. 2| 2. 44| 2. 44| 2. 44| 2. 44| 23| 10. 2| 1. 37| 1. 37| 1. 37| 1. 37| 4| 9| 0. 66| 0. 66| 0. 66| 0. 66| 25| 8. 1| 0. 29| 0. 29| 0. 29| 0. 29| 26| 7. 9| 0. 23| 0. 23| 0. 23| 0. 23| 27| 7. 9| 0. 23| 0. 23| 0. 23| 0. 23| 28| 7. 9| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 29| 7. 8| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 30| 7. 9| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 31| 7. 8| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 0. 19| 32| 7. 9| 0. 46| 0. 46| 0. 46| 0. 46| 33| 8. 6| 0. 50| 0. 50| 0. 50| 0. 50| 34| 8| 0. 29| 0. 29| 0. 29| 0. 29| 35| 8| 6. 40| 6. 40| 6. 40| 6. 40| 36| 26. 2| 0| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| Total drag force (1-35)| 51. 30| Total drag force (4-32)| 46. 64| Coefficient of drag calculated| 0. 489| Coefficient of drag literature| 0. 300|

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The influence , the importance of time management and Cooperative Essay

The influence , the importance of time management and Cooperative learning upon me as a teacher to be and the learners of EFL (Learning through group, pair work in classrooms) - Essay Example A teacher can manage time efficiently in a classroom by planning, reducing paperwork, preparation of routines, schedules and time table that eliminate waste of time and confusion, allocate independent assignment, use learning centers, prepare seatwork that allows the teacher to work in small groups and maintain an environment in classroom that enables student to have a smooth transition from one activity to another. Beginners and veteran teachers can increase their teaching time with efficient use of time by assessing factors that consume time and thereby teachers can increase their teaching time. A teacher can be a good classroom manager by delegating work to volunteers, aides and students and save the extra time for other valuable student related work (Time Management 2009). Time management enables a teacher to recognize the amount of time required to complete important tasks on a regular basis. Prioritization of activities is made simple and allocation of time for optional activities can be made through effective time management. This gives an opportunity to avoid unimportant tasks of lesser significance that consume more time and engage the teacher fruitlessly. Effective time management simplifies the schedules of the teacher and gives more freedom to accomplish the objectives of teaching with reduced stress. Well planned teaching schedule rescues the students from a poorly organized day at school. A teacher can keep the daily teaching routine under control by discussing time management issues with colleagues (Making time for success). Further, teachers are responsible for the success of students. The effective utilization of class time reduces the anxiety of teachers and enhances the performance of students. Teachers will have some extra time at the end of the class to reflect and review the topic learned during the class on a well organized day (Time Management 2008). The significance of a teacher’s lesson time management should not be

Friday, September 27, 2019

Hildhood Experience of Male Chauvinism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hildhood Experience of Male Chauvinism - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that childhood experiences play a great role in molding the future of human beings. The brain of a child is delicate and vulnerable and its development is influenced by the surroundings within which the child is brought up. A child who is subjected to abuse or grows in a family with parents who are uncaring or poor may find it hard to integrate with the society due to the negative attitude he/she may have based on the trauma and rejection during childhood. During researcher’s childhood approximately at the age of 5 and being the only girl in the household, she had a lot of pressure which originated from her pestering and abusive brothers who could not at one time appreciate the fact that being their only sister deserved the nice treatment her parents gave her. At the author’s age, she could not understand why she was the main source of conflict between her brothers and her parents. She respected them since they were senior to her and as such, there was no way she could have defended herself though sometimes physical fights erupted when her parents were not around to defend her, of which she always lost. Later in the day, the occurrences would have to be reported to the author’s parents especially her father who always showed a lot of affection towards her and the boys would get punished. Little did she know that reporting them would later turn out to be the worst mistake for they would wait for her parents, who were teachers in a neighboring school to leave so they can revenge.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Concider the global impact of a waterborne infectious disease (which Essay

Concider the global impact of a waterborne infectious disease (which may be caused by a bacterium or parasite) and discuss current methods for detection, treatment and prevention - Essay Example They can help in promoting good health, some digestion and some serve medicinal purposes. Lactobacillis is a family of bacteria found in the human digestive tract. Acidophilus is a member of lactobacillis and it is the best known bacteria of this family aiding in the breakdown of lactose to lactic acid and also the breakdown of other sugars. The production of lactic acid in the body provides acidic environment in the body which can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Acidophilus is also used in certain drugs. Bifidobacteria is also a beneficial group of bacteria and is present in the human digestive tract and helps in digestion as well as ; it has also shown some anti-tumor qualities. Some bacteria are beneficial in other ways like they are used in agriculture for plant growth and some are used for cleansing of water. (Jeremy & Simon 2004). Many of the emerging pathogens nowadays are waterborne i.e. they take birth in water. Cholera has been a known disease in the world and two emerging waterborne pathogens are Vibrio cholerae O139 and Escherichia Coli (E.coli O157:H7). E.coli has not only become a problem for the underdeveloped nations but has also become a problem for the developed ones. This bacterium would be discussed subsequently. Vibrio Cholerae O139 is a pathogen which first infected many of the people living in Asia. It started in Bengal and then spread to India in 1992 from where it entered the vicinities of Thailand. It is through different methods that these emerging pathogens are spreading all over the world giving a difficult time to the authorities who have not handled such cases previously (Sharma et al 2003; Smolinski et al 2003). Enterohemorrhagic Escerichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 is the full name of the bacterium E. coli O157 which is a food and waterborne pathogenic strain of bacterium E. coli. The bacteria E. coli O157 was first known as a result of gastrointestinal illness in the early 1980s.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Air Solutions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Air Solutions - Case Study Example We offer specialist capabilities and product ranges to meet the specification of complete air systems installation and pipeworking as well as for hydraulic systems, vacuum pumps and ancillary equipment.2 Keeping in sync with technology is of utmost importance to any industry, especially in the consumer industry. Air Solutions made major improvements in industrial air compressors within four years of its launch by the company in 1994.Similarly, in the case of HACU (Heavy duty air conditioning unit), the product was updated in 1996, eight years after its launch in 1996.This was accompanied by a massive advertising campaign. There were minor design changes in 1999, to improve the product. Thus, Air Solutions has been keen to match up to consumer preferences and update its products even before the standard ten-year operating life for which the product has been designed. The company believes in catering to well-informed consumers and spends on advertising campaigns about new product launches. A constant sales figures of 12000 units of IAC and HACU per annum prove the constant demand for these products. Providing timely and necessary service support also form a key deciding factor while a consumer researches and zeros in on the company to buy the product from. Consumer service, not only before or during the sale of the product, but also after sales service play a vital role in determining the reputation and sales volumes of the company's products. While supply of spares and post sales support can provide an additional business opportunity, it might be a drain on the reserves and logistics of the company. Typically, engineering, especially air conditioning companies introduce a product with an anticipated operating life of ten years. However, due to various market factors, these might sometimes be used for more than thirty years. Now, if the product is more than ten years old and has been replaced by a newer version, then there is little that a spares and support system can do to help the customer. Oftentimes, the cost of replacing the spares is a massive proportion of the cost of the product itself. In such a scenario, the customer might be advised to go in for a new product itself, instead of trying to repair the existing product. According to the leading website on air-conditioning, heaters and refrigerators, "Variable Frequency Drives Running on Bypass Can Waste 56 Percent or More Energy for Your Air Handling System. Despite the economic advantages and significant energy savings available by using AC variable frequency drives (VFDs) in HVAC applications, many building operators do not repair or replace drives when they fail since the motors can easily continue to run through a bypass contactor. While this is a great solution for short-term outages, continued operation in this mode quickly becomes a very expensive way to operate a fan."1 Strategy The strategy to make the most of the spares and sales support department would be to: (i) Strategically locate these warehouses Proposed Locations: Manchester, Birmingham, London, Singapore, Europe, U.S, Africa 1) at the site of production of IAC and HACU ie. one at Manchester and another at

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Strategy Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Strategy Plan - Essay Example Because of worldwide business expansion, the recognition of IBM-International Business Machines Corporation extended throughout the world. In the era of innovation, IBM product line has increased significantly. IBM first introduced LAN-Local Area of Networks and became the pioneer of LAN. This process allows PC users to exchange data, information, files etc. and to share printers within an office complex. In the twenty first century, IBM has become a renowned name in IT service management, consulting business and computer software-hardware industry. Samuel J. Palmisano is the president and CEO of IBM since 2002. (History of IBM, 27 March 2010, pp. 1-13)Â   Brief History- This article creates a complete dynamic model of global strategic planning for IBM. This dynamic model shows many aspects of strategic planning system of IBM. Within this dynamic model of framework, some issues like competitive assessment, focusing on strategic issues, portfolio planning, threat or opportunity analysis, business intelligence and performance management will be emphasized and analyzed. Over the years, IBM has refined their strategic planning process. This strategic planning process works as a structure for decision-making. Like many other multinational business giants, IBM management team emphasizes on global business development. Staring with IT services, IBM is now diversifying themselves into different business solution providers like IT infrastructure, enterprise solutions, business consulting, outsourcing services and business intelligence etc. At IBM, Information Technology means achieving high and real business performance that is reflected in th e business objective and venerable business commitment. IBM provides high-class business solutions with greater efficiency and accessibility to their clients. The management of IBM wants to anticipate and adapt to future changes and uncertainties rather than the victim of them. The IT, IT enabled

Monday, September 23, 2019

LPN to RN transition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LPN to RN transition - Essay Example LPNs perform the role of providing the basic nursing care to their patients. This mainly involves monitoring of patient’s health, providing basic care like inserting catheters or changing bandages etc., and discussing and reporting patients’ health concerns to RNs or doctors. RNs on the other hand perform enhanced functions like recording patients’ symptoms and medical histories, setting up care plans for patients, assistance in performing diagnostic tests and administering medications and educating patients and their families. Additionally, they have the responsibility to arrange consultations with doctors and also with professionals of other disciplines in a given health care setup. The transition from the role of LPN to RN demands that a better understanding of the ‘family as unit’ is developed. With the improvement in health care delivery services, the role of family in the overall process of care continues to play a critical role (Duncan & DePew, 2011). A registered nurse is therefore expected to take into account the function of the family to get an insight into the health status of her patient. Since the focus of job shifts from mere reporting to analysis of clinical situations, the professional role of RN is attributed to the development of more enhanced analytical skills. The habit of thinking critically, to derive useful results from clinical information is essential, if the role of a RN is to be performed effectively. It should be understood that transition is divided into three distinct phases: endings, neutral zone and beginnings (Harrington & Terry, 2009). For a transition to begin, it is essential that the connection with a previously ongoing process be brought to an end; this may equate to separation from a previously established social condition, losing older identity, disenchantment and disorientation. This follows a condition when the person in transition is ‘in limbo’; this allows renewal and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Improving Student Learning Through Technology Essay Example for Free

Improving Student Learning Through Technology Essay Abstract In this day and age of all sorts of technological advancements, the wonders and possibilities for convenience and assistance could be met almost instantaneously. From arms’ reach to finger tip accessibility of knowledge and information, these advancements only pose greater advantages for more and more people, especially for the school and university sector. The dawn of the valuable personal computer, the mighty internet, and more soon to follow show only promise of development, improving further the chances of success for students is bettered. It would only be of true benefit because as these students step and extend into the real world, they shall be technically and technologically well-equipped to face anything and everything. Improving Student Learning Through Technology The essential purpose of education is one which opts to offer every student the chance to be able to succeed in life, amidst any challenge, circumstance, and failure. This goal could be better realized if and when all efforts, tools, and processes for education are used and optimized to it full potential. With numerous advances among the lines of technology, almost all issues of social, political, economic, and also academic importance could be facilitated with much ease and efficiency. With the use these various tools made easily available, students’ overall learning processes could be improved which would greatly benefit them. With subjects such as Algebra, Physics, and Chemistry, it must be considered that students are very much accustomed the more traditional methods of teaching, learning, and everything else that comes with it. Through the use of new technologies, a fresh, innovative approach is taken, which would stimulate and keep the students interested. Hence, scholarly institutions must recognize the habits of their students and capitalize on such opportunities. They must learn how to adapt with the changing times and incorporate use of technology in their programs. Take for instance gaming programs on the surface and as presented, such tools are used more for leisure than learning. However, the Queensland Government (2008) emphasizes that this must be implemented with function: â€Å"purposefully selected games blended with carefully constructed learning experiences can be used to improve student learning outcomes† (n.p.). Such options are often overlooked, for they are believed to only serve as distractions. However, as argued, the games must of course integrate needed scholarly requirements to help the students learn with passion and sustainable interest. Academic bodies and organization may take this in serious account, for it could truly bring a new sense of learning element that the more traditional methods of education may be lacking. References Queensland Government (2008). Games in learning. Queensland Government: Department of Education, Training and the Arts. Retrieved November 6, 2008, from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Character, theme and narrative in the soap opera Essay Example for Free

Character, theme and narrative in the soap opera Essay From watching one particular episode of the famous soap Eastenders I was able to attain plenty of information and reference to certain areas of a soap. There are specific codes and conventions to particular narratives that are easy to identify. Obviously in each soap, the same sort of things occur and the audience can recognise this, thus such an appeal for soaps. In this single episode of Eastenders, the themes included are easily identifiable as being part of a soap. It includes all the drama in everyday life within one session of 30minutes. We are able to see potential fights, arguing, loving and a typical goodie and baddie scenario. Also there is mention of wedding and divorce, evidently showing mixed emotions. Furthermore, a noticeable feature of Eastenders is that there is a comic relief as there is a build up of suspense and tension, then a scene change to Patrick who supplies the audience with moments of laughter, along with a small selection of other characters. Location is an immense feature to Eastenders. There are a number of places you anticipate to be featured in each episode the Queen Vic pub being the most notorious. Also within one street (square) there is 6 places of work all featured in this one episode. The jobs all being inter-gender and featuring different types of characters who play different roles with a wide range of age gaps. Ie. Garage, launderette, cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, E20 nightclub and a B B. In this 30 minute slot, which in Eastenders time is one full day from early morning to late night, we are able to see the pub closed, quiet and busy. Also when the pub is featured, the concentration is only on a conversation involving just two people, although you can hear other characters in the atmos, they are not seen. This is where camera angles become important. Over the shoulder shot is most commonly featured throughout when showing a clip of two characters talking. Also whilst in the middle of a conversation there is a sharp camera swap to a close -up view of the person speaking, which only last for a few seconds. These are things that the audience take for granted but need plenty of thought and trials. There is only one point in the episode where one person is shown alone this being Peggy Mitchell who is talking to herself and allowing the viewers to empathise with her and share her emotions. She is a dominant family-heading female who is stressing her unhappiness to the viewers. This is when we see a wider range of camera angles used as the photographers want us to see her differently and also let us see the setting and background which is a clever tactic so we can recognise where she is and what her method of thinking is. Also the cameras seem a similar distance away from each character, and this means they never raise their voice and throughout the same volume of speech is enforced. A synopsis of what is actually happening in the episode is a number of storylines revolving around each other most of them having some sort of link or connection. The storylines are as follows : * Phil Mitchell after his disturbed ex-wife Lisa and his baby * A triangle love situation between Little Mo, comical Billy and Mr. Nasty Trevor. * Sonias relationship with both Gus and Jamie * Janines flirting and misleading this linking into events occurring in the bed and breakfast. * Toms mental state of mind * Jim Brannan losing his job and Ricky in desperate need of one There is also other small ones developing but these are the main pinpointed ones. The storylines are age specific, therefore aimed at a wide range of viewers. In addition to this as storylines build up and characters become uneased in the episode, there seems to be no atmos/background music to dramatise the situation, which is a convention often employed by soap-makers. No music at all is used throughout the episode, excluding the catchy and easily remembered theme tune at the beginning of the soap. Also the mini-cliffhangers at the conclusion of the soap is followed by the distinctive tune. This soap, like most others has no graphics used or clear use of modern hi-tech technology. There is just a simple, straightforward map of the East end of London at the beginning with the River Thames flowing through. This being very eye-catching and appealing. On the whole it is obvious to see that one 30minute episode of a soap can include so much detail, information and thought.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History of Discovery in Classical Genetics

History of Discovery in Classical Genetics This chapter chronicles the fascinating history of discovery in classical genetics, which is the study of how genetic traits are transmitted in organisms. Key Concepts covered: Mendels laws of heredity was rediscovered and gain wide acceptance in 1900. The chromosomal theory of heredity states that genes reside on chromosomes and that chromosomal dynamics underlie the patterns of Mendelian inheritance. A fundamental observation in classical genetics was the one gene makes one protein relationship. It is now known that the relationship between genes and proteins is much more complex. Genetic Science has to be reconciled to other fields of biology. The Rediscovery of Mendels Work (1900) Darwin knew his theory of evolution is not complete without a compatible theory of heredity. In 1868, he announced that he had found a solution to heredity, but had never published it. After his death, scientists were running through his works to find clues to the theory of heredity that had gone missing. Among them was a Dutch botanist called Hugo de Vries (1848-1935). To support his theory of pangenes, de Vries conducted a series of experiments with plant hybrids in the 1890s. Unaware of Mendels work, de Vries had independently discovered Mendels Laws of Heredity. He was about to publish his work when a friend sent him a copy of Mendels original paper. Later, de Vries claimed he had discovered the sames principles on his own before learned of Mendels experiments. But he gave Mendel credit in his paper which he published in 1900. Two other scientists also independently rediscovered Mendels work: Carl Correns (1864-1933) and Erich Tschermak von Seysenegg (1871-1962). Correns was a German raised in Switzerland, and a student of Karl von Nageli the professor who had discouraged Mendel. Tschermak was an Austrian whose grandfather had been one of Mendels teachers at the University of Vienna. Mendel received wide recognition in the scientific community after William Bateson (1861-1926), an English biologist, became a passionate advocate for the new science. While riding on a train to London, Bateson read de Vries paper with its reference to Mendel; he immediately realized the significance of Mendels work. In 1905, Bateson called the new science genetics. A few years later, Wilhelm Johannsen (1857-1927), a Danish botanist, used the word genes to refer to the units of heredity. Johannsen also invented the terms genotype and phenotype. Genotype is the totality of all the organisms genes. Phenotype is the organisms physical characteristics, which are products of both the underlying genes and the effects of the environment. Chromosomal Theory of Heredity and Gene Maps As Mendels ideas was gaining acceptance in the scientific world, cell biologists wanted to figure out the physical nature of genes. What are genes made of? In the 1890s, Theodor Boveri (1862-1915), a German embryologist, pursued the question in a series of experiments with sea urchins. The eggs of sea urchins are large, transparent, and easy to study under the microscope. Because both sperm and eggs carried genes, and sperm were little more than a nucleus with a tail attached, Boveri concluded that genes must reside in the threadlike filaments called chromosomes in the nucleus of cells. Boveris hypothesis was corroboated by the discovery of two other scientists Walter Sutton (1877-1916) and Nettie Stevens (1861-1912). Sutton, a graduate student at Columbia University in New York, discovered chromosomes when he studied the chromosomes of grasshoppers in 1902. Stevens, a former student of Boveri, discovered X and Y sex chromosomes in 1905, and proposed that all genes reside on chromosomes. The Birth of the Modern laboratory Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) was a professor of zoology at Columbia University in New York. He began breeding flies around 1905 and established the famous fly room in Columbia University. Between 1905 and 1925, the Fly Room at Columbia was the epicenter of genetics, a catalytic chamber for the new science. The Chromosomal Theory of Heredity Mendel showed that, in principle, genes were inherited independently. The color of a pea had no influence on whether it was wrinkled or round. But as Morgan experimented with increasing number of fly mutants, he discovered exceptions. In 1910, mating fly mutants with white eyes to ordinary red-eyed flies, Morgan found out surprisingly that all white-eyed descendants were male. The eye-color gene must be linked to the sex gene, he thought. In 1911, he confirmed his suspicion: the eye-color gene and the sex gene are linked because they lived on the same chromosome the X chromosome. After examining thousands upon thousands of flies, Morgan discovered an important modification to Mendels laws, now known as the chromosomal theory of heredity: Genes on different chromosomes are inherited independently, but genes on the same chromosome are usually inherited together. The emphasis is on usually. In rare cases, genes on the same chromosome were not inherited together. Morgan called this phenomenon crossing over; today known as recombination. Gene Maps Morgans study on crossing over resulted in a new discovery: Genes that were closer to each other on the chromosome would never be unlinked; Genes were more prone to unlink if they were farther apart on the chromosome; Genes that had no linkage must lived on separate chromosomes. In 1911, Alfred Sturtevant (1891-1970), a twenty-year-old student of Morgans lab, collected Morgans data on the linkage of fruit fly genes and took it home. In a single night, Sturtevant plotted the first map of genes in fruit flies by using the gene linkage to set up the relative positions of genes on chromosomes. The map showed the order of genes on the chromosome and their relative distances from one another. In that evening, Sturtevant had laid the groundwork for the future cloning of genes. He had also poured the foundation for the Human Genome Project. Mutation and Transformation For evolution to occur, an organism must be able to generate genetic variations. This section covers two kinds of genetic alterations at the cellular level mutation and transformation. Mutation Mutations are by definition alterations of the genetic material. Mutations result from errors during DNA replication or other types of damage to DNA, which then may undergo error-prone repair. Mutation was first discovered by Hugo de Vries (1848-1935) in 1900, who had also independently rediscovered Mendels laws. At that time, scientists had to wait for mutations to happen in nature; they could not cause them. But that was change in 1926 when Hermann Muller (1890-1967), a former student of Thomas Morgan, discovered X-ray Mutagenesis. He discovered that radiation can greatly increase the frequency of mutation a discovery for which he received a Nobel Prize in 1946. Discovery of Transformation Principle (1928) Throughout the biological world, genes generally travel vertically ie, from parents to children, or from parent cells to daughter cells. Rarely, though, genetic materials can cross from one organism to another not between parent and child, but between two unrelated strangers. This horizontal exchange of genes is called transformation. Transformation was discovered by an English bacteriologist named Frederick Griffith (1879-1941). In 1928, Griffith performed a series of experiments using two live strains of pneumococcus bacteria: The rough coat strain was non-lethal, while the smooth coat strain was lethal. Griffith killed the lethal smooth coat strain by applying heat. He then inoculated the mice with a mixture of the dead bacteria and the live rough coat strain which was harmless. He expected the mice to live, but the mice died quickly. The experiment had proved that the genetic make-up of the non-lethal bacteria was altered by debris of the dead bacteria, causing the non-lethal bacteria to become lethal. Griffith autopsied the mice and found that the rough bacteria had changed: they had acquired the smooth coat the pathogenic-determining factor merely by contact with the debris from the dead bacteria. The harmless bacteria had somehow transformed into the lethal one. The One Gene-One Enzyme Hypothesis (1941) In the 1930s, scientists working in classical genetics were trying to figure out how genes affect the physical characteristics such as eye color in an organism. Two scientists, George Beadle (1903-89) and Edward Tatum (1909-75), had developed evidence that eye color, which is heritable, is affected by a series of genetically produced chemicals. But the complexity of flies makes it difficult to show a link between specific genes and their chemical products. In 1941, they turned to experiment on a bread mold. The fungus has a short life cycle with a simple chromosomal structure. In the experiment, Beadle and Tatum first irradiated numerous bread molds, producing molds with mutant genes. They then crossed these mutants with ordinary bread molds to create more mutants. Genetic crosses revealed that every mutant was defective in only one gene. For a bread mold to grow, all its metabolic functions have to be intact. If a mutation inactivates even one function, the mold could not grow. Beadle and Tatum used this technique to track the missing metabolic function in every mutant. They noted that every mutant was missing a single metabolic function, corresponding to the activity of a single protein enzyme. In other words, the mutation in one gene was associated with the missing of one enzyme. In this experiment, Beadle and Tatum had discovered the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis. The hypothesis saysÂÂ   one gene directly produces one enzyme, which consequently affects an individual step in a metabolic pathway. Reconciliation of genetics with Other Fields of Biology This chapter tries to reconcile the concepts in genetics to the various fields of biology. These reconciliations attempt to explain natures past, present and future through the lens of the gene. Evolution describes natures past. Variation describes its present. And embryogenesis attempts to capture the future. 1. Genes had to explain the phenomenon of variation The question is: How could discrete units of heredity explain that human heights, for instance, do not have six discrete sizes but seemingly 6 billion continuous variants? The answer was provided by an English mathematician Ronald Fisher (1890-1962) in his paper The Correlation between Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Inheritance, published in 1918. Fisher suggested that real-world traits such as height resulted from genes with multiple states, not a single gene with two states. Using mathematical modeling, he showed that one could generate nearly perfect continuity in phenotype on large populations. 2. Genes had to explain evolution The question is: What causes species to change? Answer: Mutation creates variations. A mutation is a change in the gene material. Mutations result from errors during DNA replication or other types of damage to DNA. The changes in the gene created changes in forms that could be selected by natural forces. 3. Genes had to explain development The question is: How could individual units of instruction prescribe the code to create a mature organism out of an embryo? See section 3.5: From Genes to Genesis. 4. Reconciliation between Genotypes and Phenotypes We are all unique. Even monozygotic twins, who are genetically identical, always have variation in the way they look and act. The observable physical characteristics of an individual organism are determined by the genetic make-up, environmental influences, change, and other factors: Genotype + environment + triggers + chance = phenotype

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Original Narrative Anticipated :: essays research papers

Original Narrative: Anticipated Crisis With the end of the millenium right around the corner, the statement coined by Rene Descartes, "I think, therefore I am," no longer holds true. This is mostly due to the emergence of monumental technological breakthroughs since the formulation of this statement in the seventeenth century. In fact, "I have technology, therefore I am" and "My God said so, therefore I am" could be contemporary versions of this statement that accurately describe us today. In the past, one was free to think for himself, or forced to think for himself, because no one else or nothing else could think for him. The rise in the use of computers this century, however, has revolutionized the way things are done. Those who own the technology no longer have to "think" about menial tasks. For example, when one buys a product in a store for $1.38 and hands the cashier a five-dollar bill, the cashier will punch in the five dollars and let the computerized cash register indicate the correct change of $3.62 to give to the customer. No thinking on the part of a person is involved. Instead, it is substituted by a reliance on mechanical and repetitious actions which are unproductive and unhealthy for the mind. We human beings are blessed with the capability to reason and to think logically; therefore, we cannot function as subservient individuals to the modern technology that we have created. Our growing reverence for technology and its comforts will ultimate ly strip us of our creativity and our curiosity to learn. This ultimately obviates the need to make decisions based on our own judgments because computers will take care of everything with a touch of a button. Obviously, once the computers malfunction, life as we know it will be in chaos since we would not be able to survive without the complex gadgets. Furthermore, as economic stability becomes more uncertain, the destitute and despondent masses will turn to religion and their God for consolation. Although this seems paradoxical in a time when the degradation of society is eminent, "I think, therefore I am" could be justly altered into "My God says so, therefore I am" to match the social atmosphere of today. These people are all foolishly deceived into thinking that they are notorious sinners who must incessantly repent now in order to enter the "kingdom" of Heaven later. Evidently, these desperate believers are again subordinate to a "supreme being" who has supposedly intended the present hopelessness to test the loyalty of those who perceive that "He" is omnipotent and is looking out for our best interests.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mad Cow Disease :: essays research papers

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or Mad Cow Disease (BSE), degenerative brain disorder of cattle. Symptoms in cows include loss of coordination and a typical staggering gait. Affected animals also show signs of senility, for example, lack of interest in their surroundings, the abandonment of routine habits, disinterest in feed and water, or unpredictable behavior. Affected cattle show symptoms when they are three to ten years old. First identified in Britain in November 1986, over 170,000 cases have since been recorded there. Sporadic incidences have been confirmed in other European countries, with Switzerland (over 260 cases) and Ireland (over 260 cases) identifying the largest number. It has also been recognized in Canada, where cases are confined to dairy cows imported from Britain. BSE has not been officially confirmed in the United States or any other major milk-producing country. Autopsies of affected cattle reveal holes in the brain tissue that give it a spongy, or spongiform, texture. Similar spongiform diseases have been recognized in humans (for example, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or CJD) for over a century and in sheep (scrapie) for over 200 years. The cause of BSE is unproven, although there is strong evidence that prions, which may be infective proteins, are the agent. Other hypotheses suggest that prions work with an as yet undetected virus to cause the infection. Recycled animal tissue, which had been routinely fed to British dairy cows as a protein supplement, was identified as the source of the infection. The European Commission's Scientific Veterinary Committee and the world control body, the Fà ©dà ©ration Internationale des Epizooties (FNE) believes that BSE was originally spread from sheep's brains infected with scrapie and that its spread was accidentally accelerated by the ingestion of brain tissue taken from cows that had become infected with BSE. Following through with this fodder transmission theory, the British government introduced compulsory destruction of suspect animals and their carcasses beginning in 1988. The feeding of animal tissue to cows was banned in Britain in July 1988 and since mid-1992, monitors working for the United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture have recorded a persistent decline in the number of confirmed cases. It is estimated that the program will eradicate BSE in Britain by the end of 1999. Since the initial report of the disease, there has been fear and speculation that it might be transferable to humans through milk or beef products. The appearance of CJD in several dairy farmers in Britain in the early 1990s heightened the alarm.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Karla Ann Marling’s book “As Seen on TV” Essay

Karla Ann Marling’s book â€Å"As Seen on TV† addresses the perception television had on shaping the fashion and cultural persona of everyday life in the United States during the 1950’s. She presents this phenomenon as a cultural chain reaction that occurred in response to Christian Dior releasing his new line of clothing right around the same time as President Ike Eisenhower’s inauguration, one of the first major TV events of the Decade.   As noted in her book, when she says, â€Å"Ike’s 1953 inauguration was one of the first big TV events of the decade. The cameras caught every detail of.† Eisenhower’s costume: the mink coat, the silly hat worn over bangs, the suit with the nipped-in waist and flared hipline, the charm bracelet, and high heels that pinched (Marling, 1994).† Of course for the President himself, Christian Dior new line would have no significant effect on the culture or American society, but through his Wife Mamie Eisenhower wearing a dress by the infamous designer as well as wearing more stylish accessories like high heels, and pearls, it introduced a major shift in how women would dress, there on out, and the style itself became known as â€Å"The New Look.†Ã‚   In essence it slight freed-up sexual repression of the 1950’s and became representative of a lifestyle, so that they could be completely turned on their head in the 60’s during the explosion of the feminist movement. Christian Dior designed what became known as the â€Å"hour Glass† shape, by using different padded linings as the author notes. The molded, hourglass hap was achieved through a variety of means: padding hidden in the lining of jackets to accentuate the swelling of the hips; boning, stays, or other constricting devices built into waistlines; and an internal framework composed of layers of tulle, organza, silk pongee, and a new â€Å"miracle fabric†-nylon†,1994†. In response to this the author notes that â€Å"It could be argued, of course, that the woman inside was irrelevant to the dress, that she was the victim of fashion, enslaved and oppressed by her own dinner gown.†Ã‚   This represents many of the counter arguments presented by men who opposed changes being introduced to society by the fashion industry.   This also represents much of the conflict of the reading.   The author goes on to present a quote by acclaimed 1950’s psychoanalyst Edmund Bergler when he says, the fashions industry is a â€Å"gigantic unconscious hoax† perpetrated on women by homosexual men who wanted to make them look ridiculous (Marling, 1994).† In sum, the author closes her piece by pointing out how there is still to this day controversy over how much authorship can be placed on Christian Dior for the creation of â€Å"The New Look.†Ã‚   It is seen as a culturally defining moment in history, which would eventually give way to the admiration of glamour that was bestowed upon such figures as Jackie O, Marilyn Monroe, and Elizabeth Taylor. It also represents a slight window into the modern era and its obsession with fashion to the likes of which as produced such irreverent iconic figures as Lady Gaga, who could arguably be pegged as the child of Christian Dior and Mamie Eisenhower, 1953. Karla Ann Marling’s book (1994). â€Å"As seen on TV†

Monday, September 16, 2019

Banana Peel as an alternative for a shoe polish Essay

I. Rationale Banana is a staple starch for many tropical populations.Depending upon cultivar and ripeness, the flesh can vary in taste from starchy to sweet, and texture from firm to mushy. Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B6 and contain moderate amounts of vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber. There many uses of the â€Å"banana†; banana sap from the pseudostem, peelings or flesh may be sufficiently sticky for adhesive uses, the large leaves may be used as umbrellas and many more. One of these is the banana peel.We eat banana almost everyday. There are 100 bananas consumed in the UK alone, how much more would it be including the rest of the world? Aside from us being satisfied from it, instead of throwing the peel after we eat or putting it aside why not use them. By doing this we can help in lessening the chemical use in the society, to maintain a greener environment and to save money by using alternatives. Instead of banana peel,is there another alternative for a shoe polisher? An alcohol. Alcohol is more effective than the banana peel because it can really clean any item while the banana peel might stain the shoe. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study aspired primarily, to search for alternative ways of a shoe polisher. Lastly, to make a simple preparation and pocket friendly. 1.How do you use the banana peel? 2. Will the banana leave an odor on the shoe once it has been rubbed? 3. Does alcohol have dangerous chemicals that can destroy the shoe? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Our goal for our project is to share useful informations on how to save money and to be resourceful.This finding will not only benefit the people but also for our Mother Earth. III. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES The review of the study focuses on the banana peel and the alcohol, on wich works best.Why the banana peel is one of the alternatives for a shoe polisher,what’s in it’s skin that makes it an alternative for a shoe polish.,Banana peels are as useful as banana. The contain antifungal,antibiotic and enzymatic properties that can be put to good use. Plus they’re moist and nutritious.,Banana peels are also used for water purification, to produce ethanol, cellulase, laccase and in composting. Definition of Terms: Antifungal- destroying fungal and their growth. Antibiotic- a medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms. Enzymatic- of relating to, or produced by an enzyme. Moist- slightly wet. Nutritious- nourishing Purification- is when things are cleaned and made pure. Ethanol- an intoxicating liquor containing this liquid. Cellulase- an enzyme that converts cellulose into glucose or a disaccharide. Laccase- are copper-containing oxides enzymes that are found in many plants,fungi and microorganisms. IV. Materials †¢Banana peel †¢Alcohol †¢soft cloth or brush V. Procedure First, peel a banana and separate the peel into three pieces. Preferably, wait until you want to eat a banana rather than peeling one just for your shoes. Second, rub your leather shoes with the inside of the banana peel. Use the same circular motions that you would use with regular shoe polish.Don’t worry if it gets a little messy. Lastly, Buff the shoe with a soft cloth. An old T-shirt or dust cloth will work well. This will remove  any banana that may have been left behind on the shoe. (do this with the alcohol) VI. Time Table Date: Time: What to do/task: 1/29/15 Assign on who will bring the assigned materials. 2/1/15 Start the project. VII. Budget We won’t be buying anything because the materials can be found in the house. VII. Proponents Clarita Isabel Baran Donessa Kasandra Rule Villafranca Khazel Mae Yntig Maila Angela Ybiernas

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Arnold’s Touchstone Method Essay

Arnold’s touchstone method is a comparative method of criticism. According to this method, in order to judge a poet’s work properly, a critic should compare it to passages taken from works of great masters of poetry, and that these passages should be applied as touchstones to other poetry. Even a single line or selected quotation will serve the purpose. If the other work moves us in the same way as these lines and expressions do, then it is really a great work, otherwise not. This method was recommended by Arnold to overcome the shortcomings of the personal and historical estimates of a poem. Both historical and personal estimate goes in vain. In personal estimate, we cannot wholly leave out the personal and subjective factors. In historical estimate, historical importance often makes us rate a work as higher than it really deserves. In order to form a real estimate, one should have the ability to distinguish a real classic. At this point, Arnold offers his theory of Touchstone Method. A real classic, says Arnold, is a work, which belongs to the class of the very best. It can be recognized by placing it beside the known classics of the world. Those known classics can serve as the touchstone by which the merit of contemporary poetic work can be tested. This is the central idea of Arnold’s Touchstone Method. Matthew Arnold’s Touchstone Method of Criticism was really a comparative system of criticism. Arnold was basically a classicist. He admired the ancient Greek, Roman and French authors as the models to be followed by the modern English authors. The old English like Shakespeare, Spenser or Milton were also to be taken as models. Arnold took selected passages from the modern authors and compared them with selected passages from the ancient authors and thus decided their merits. This method was called Arnold’s Touchstone Method. However, this system of judgement has its own limitations. The method of comparing passage with a passage is not a sufficient test for determining the value of a work as a whole. Arnold himself insisted that we must judge a poem by the ‘total impression’ and not by its fragments. But we can further extend this method of comparison from passages to the poems as whole units. The comparative method is an invaluable aid to appreciation of any kind of art. It is helpful not merely thus to compare the masterpiece and the lesser work, but the good with the not so good, the sincere with the not quite sincere, and so on. Those who do not agree with this theory of comparative criticism say that Arnold is too austere, too exacting in comparing a simple modern poet with the ancient master poet. It is not fair to expect that all hills may be Alps. The mass of current literature is much better disregarded. By this method we can set apart the alive, the vital, the sincere from the shoddy, the showy and the insincere.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Electronic Devices Essay

Ring! Ring! â€Å"Honey it’s your mother, please pick up your phone†¦ well call me when you get this message.† Two out of five kids get this voicemail daily during the week. The majority of students having a cellphone are only to contact parents and relatives. I think students should be able to have their cellphones and iPods out during school because after school kids should be able to contact their parents for any emergency. Students should also be able to keep their cellphones and iPods out for the resources, many sources including internet access and the use of calculators. I think students should also be able to use their cellphones and iPods for the music, music can change a person’s mood at any given time. While being in middle school I strongly believe that students should be able to use their cellphones and iPods during school and after. However, some people may argue that students shouldn’t have their cellphones and iPods out. They might argue that a student may be able to cheat on a test by texting their friends the answers. Or maybe the student’s phone might get stolen. The child might even get bullied with the use of a phone out. These little mistakes though aren’t something every kid goes through. Their mistakes that no one can control, but if they do happen then there will be consequences. However, I think students should be able to use their cellphones and iPods at appropriate times. I believe students should be able to have their cellphones out because after school they’ll be able to call their parents because someone might be trying to kidnap them. Or simply to just let them know their getting a ride with a friend. Many kids walk to school and from school to home. Meaning they need to be able to contact their points at any moment. Sometimes parents forget to pick up their child just because they’ve had a busy day at work. That’s when having a cellphone is really handy. During the day a cellphone can be useful especially when a student is having problems. Those problems can vary. Students at SVMS have experienced an unexpected problem that a cellphone could have been of good use. I think cellphones should be allowed at school in any case of emergency or if they just need to contact their parent. Additionally, I believe students should be able to have their cellphones and iPods out because they have resources. Using your phone you’d be able to use the internet for many reasons. Maybe you’re in science and a student asks a tough question that the teacher isn’t sure the answer is. By using your cellphone you’d be able to look the answer up on Google, it’s a quick and convenient resource to find an answer quickly to any question. Right after a quiz or test if you want to figure out your score and your teacher only told you how many you got right you would be able to pull out your phone or iPod and calculate your score. I think students should be able to use their cellphone or iPods during any time of the day for the resources. Furthermore, I believe using your iPods and cellphones should be allowed because of music. Music motivates people and can instantly change their mood. If someone is down all day, going to lunch and being able to just sit and listen to music can really bring someone up. Lunch on Fridays ASB plays music because everyone is so excited for the weekend. If you were to take away our cellphones and iPods there wouldn’t be any music to play. Even on Tuesdays during P.E we listen to music, when we run on the blacktop the coaches play music. They know that it pumps us up and helps us run. Some teachers even play music in class, it can either be a way of calming everyone or celebrating a class for their great achievements. I really believe that students should be able to have their phones and iPods for the music purposes. In conclusion I believe students should be able to have their phones and iPods out during school because after school kids should be able to contact their parents for any emergency. Students should also be able to keep their cellphones and iPods out for the resources, many sources including internet access and the use of calculators. I think students should also be able to use their cellphones and iPods for the music, music can change a person’s mood at any given time. While taking your time and reading this I really hope you look into helping us students by not getting our phones and iPods taken away for the various reasons. My reasons for wanting to keep our electronic devices are backed up from proofs from the SVMS student body and their life stories. As speaking for Spring Valley Middle I would like to thank you and hope you are against banding our electronic devices.

Building a ‘Beauty Brand’ Veet India

Building a ‘Beauty Brand’ Veet India Beyond Hair Removal Executive Summary The solution attempts to address the transition of Veet from a hair removal brand to a true beauty brand. Starting with a study of the depilatories market in India and Veet’s growth over the years to create a platform, the results of the primary research have been presented. The primary research was a combination of questionnaire based research and PAPIs (paper aided personal interviews). The brand awareness of Veet was measured through both recognition and recall of the brand. The salience for the competitor brands like Anne French and Fem were also analyzed. Responses were gathered to identify the preferred usage locations of hair removal products. The product attribute associations, both positive and negative, were measured. An assessment of the brand personality was also undertaken by means of projective market research techniques. A combination of the strong functional values along with the emotional benefits was used to identify the key categories that were suited for brand extension. Elimination of product categories were based on reasoning related to inappropriate associations as well as data on market dynamics achieved from secondary research. Finally, three extensions in two phases have been proposed with a market potential study for each. Highlights of the communication strategies have also been proposed. The recommended strategy aims to initialize the transition of Veet as a true beauty brand in the coming years. Contents Executive Summary2 Introduction3 Hair Removal Market in India3 Veet in India6 Veet Brand Image6 Primary Research amp; Data Analysis7 Research Overview7 Data Analysis8 Brand Equity, Brand Personality amp; Possible Extensions12 Brand Equity12 Brand Personality Model12 PossibLe Extensions13 RoadmaP amp; Positioning16 Brand Extension plan16 Positioning In New Segments17 Conclusion19 Introduction Personal care sector covers segments like hair care, body care, baby care etc. In India this sector is currently valued at around INR 320 billion and is posting robust growth year-on-year. Veet is player in the niche depilatories segment within this market. Hair Removal Market in India Hair Removal or depilatories segment in India is relatively niche segment. It is valued at around INR 4 billion which means its contribution to the personal care market is a modest 1. 27%. While the market size is small the segment has tremendous potential and has been seeing robust growth year on year. As seen above, the segment was a ‘late bloomer’ showing exponential growth in 2004-05 and in 2006-07. Over the past few years year on year growth has stabilized around 19%. To better understand the nuances of this segment one must look at target consumer segments as well as the competing brands in this space. Brands in Depilatory Segment The brands dominating this segment are: Anne French dominated this category as the first mover and the only player for almost 4 decades. Anne French’s product positioning was primarily functional showing usage and highlighting product attributes. The entry of Veet in 2004 changed the face of the market with player moving from product centric, functional adverts to emotional benefits. Veet’s entry and new positioning strategy also explains the 60% y-o-y growth spurt in 2004-05. Currently Veet is the market leader in hair removal creams with a market share of around 34. 1%. Fem is the market challenger with its presence in hair removal creams and bleaching products. Target ConSumer Segments The penetration of hair removal products is relatively low with the young, single, educated and urban women being the prime users. * With a 68% category penetration there is enormous untapped potential in the segment. However this potential can only be realized with category expansion. * Increasing urbanization and more women entering the main stream white collar work force Growth in consumer base is on the cards

Friday, September 13, 2019

Final exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Final exam - Assignment Example with some decrees and cannons, some of which included the Biblical canon, sacred tradition, the concept of salvation in church, sacraments, the order to manner of conducting the mass as well as the veneration of saints. After the council, the Catholic administration elected Sixtus V as its head, in 1585, this new pope did all he could to avoid any confrontation and protect the decrees and ways of the Catholic Church. In the Catholic Church, several instruments came up in order to strengthen the practice of spiritual matters and the working of church. One of this was the introduction of the Jesuits, who were a priestly order created in the 1500s by the then Saint Ignatius of Loyola. This was group was said to be soldiers of Christ, since their main mandate was to clean the church off some evil practices, just like Jesus did during his time. They advocated for the dismissal and indulgence in Simony, besides emphasizing on the need for prayer among the Catholic faithful. This Group was very instrumental at that time, since they were able to bring back spirituality in the Catholic Church, something that had long been forgotten and bypassed with other events. In order to make prompt inquiries and solving many disagreements in the Catholic Church, Roman inquisition came about. Roman inquisition, as used in the Catholic Church, was a special scheme of different tribunals, which came about in the 16th Century, and were brought about by Holy See. Its main functions in the Catholic Church were to make prosecutions to individuals that were found guilty and responsible for a series of crimes in the church and the areas that were served by the church (OMalley 67). Among some of cases that they dealt with included that of Galileo as well as Giordano Bruno, which saw Galileo placed under house arrest and all his works banned, as they were considered a heresy. On the other hand, Giordano Bruno faced a different fate as compared to Galileo, after his investigations, he was

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Smoking Cessation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Smoking Cessation - Research Paper Example Some other things that the author did was making observations in the field, which included paying close attention to the conversation between the patients and the nurses, making observation of the signs that were placed within the walls of the wards that were in relation with the tobacco restrictions as well as taking of notes of resources that addressed cessation. Some of the documents that were collected during this study included; patient care forms, admission forms, referral forms, and patient’s referral materials. Areas like designated smoking zones were also observed and further photographed. At some point, unstructured questionnaires were presented to the nurses, which lasted for between 10 to 30 minutes. The ethnographic analysis used a process known as non-linear inductive. This included sorting, coding, theorizing as well as reflection upon analytic process. The data set in this study included documents, hand recorded conversation, field notes as well as the photographs that were captured designated smoking zones. At first, several data sets were reviewed. After that, the data was coded with the help of key concepts that facilitated retrieval as well s comparison between two sites. Other more reviews were conducted, which was then used to conceptualize the whole concept. The use of conversation in observation presents some bias. This is because the individuals involved in the process may assume different roles when they realize that they are being studied. This is one of the challenges that the ethnographer faced while collecting data. Taking of photos presented a good opportunity for the ethnographer to find the information they needed in their natural setting. Use of unstructured questionnaire was a good attribute to ensure that the qualitative analysis was conclusively done. The ethnographer noted that while the nurses were talking about tobacco in hospital environment, struggle was made to make

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Administration - Research Paper Example The company endeavors to achieve this success. Guaranteeing customers 100 percent customer satisfaction. Contracting value oriented distributors so as to insure a value friendly service to our deemed customers. Constantly training our distributors to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge. Provide high quality products branded with our company logo so as to differentiate them from those of our competitors. Highlights 1.6 Objectives To open and operate a successful distribution shop in the New-York city which will employ more full time employees after the first year of operation. Achieve first year sales of $100,000 Maintain an average gross margin of 20 per cent Produce a net profit of at least 20,000 by the end of the second year of operation 1.7 Keys to success Innovative quality products Access to various manufacturers in India and China The principal owner being students will have an upper hand in distributing the products across the institutions of higher learning in the United States Fully integrated programs to help customers increase sales through creative promotions, advertising and cost marketing materials. 2.0 COMPANY SUMMARY Ones tone kitchenware is a new company located in New York and will be established on the basis of the following plan. 2.1 Company ownership One stone kitchenware is a privately owned company in total by the founders Davis Jones and Kelly Mark 2.2 Start up summary The start up expenses total $15,000 and include expenses such as advertising, equipment, IT facilities, legal health and safety regulations. Start up asset include $10,000 cash requirements $17,000 and $50,000 office furniture and starting inventory respectively. These starts up costs will be financed through a loan from...Onestone needs to create awareness to the retailer and the consumer through advertisements in newspapers made and network of salaries and common based sales representatives. Kitchenware products as an industry are a very mature industry that is a crowded with many suppliers and distributors. However many of these suppliers and distributors concentrate on electrical products hence we sell that by concentrating on efforts on non-electrical kitchen products we will acquire a sufficient market share over the next five years. Our initial start up cost will amount to x,000 of which P,000 will be used to rent operating premises purchase equipment install IT facilities, pay insurance for our shop and for the premises and for other health and safety registration. The balance will be used to create awareness to our deemed customers. The start up expenses total $15,000 and include expenses such as advertising, equipment, IT facilities, legal health and safety regulations. Start up asset include $10,000 cash requirements $17,000 and $50,000 office furniture and starting inventory respectively. One stone has identified five unique types of non-electrical kitchenware whose demand is very high in the United States and more especially among students in the institutions of high

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Childhood Vaccinations Are they really needed Essay

Childhood Vaccinations Are they really needed - Essay Example Flanders (2000), states the two examples of child's deaths which are connected with vaccination and non-vaccination. According to her article, one of the girls died of Hepatitis B, which kills about 5,000 thousand people in the US each year and the other died after being vaccinated against polio. The main question, asked by Flanders (2000), is whether it should be obligatory to go through childhood vaccination, or should parents be able to refuse from immunization 'to avoid rare, but sometimes, serious, reactions' 'All sides of this debate have the same concerns at heart. They all want children to be healthy and protected. It's just the ways to achieve this goal that are contentious. The fact that vaccines prevent a huge number of illnesses, but have some side effects, makes for a difficult policy question, but not one that hasn't been solved in other areas.' (Allen 2002) At the same time, according to the Allen's article, 'the compensation program provides financial assistance to families to care for children injured by vaccines and helps those families who have lost a child to a severe side effect'. But it should be remembered, that the mentioned system is designed as 'non-fault', which means that it is no need in defining whether vaccine has been defective or the doctor didn't have enough medical skills to prevent side effects. In case no other specific medical reasons for child's death are found, it is supposed that the vaccine has caused it. But it should also be remembered, that ' if the injury or cause of death is not one of a list of known vaccine side effects, the families must provide proof that the ailment was caused by the vaccine'. (O'Meara, 2003) Using the MEDLINE database, it was possible to find the following data: 'There's been a huge decline, and disease rates in adults are now higher than in children," said Dr. Beth P. Bell, chief of epidemiology in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Division of Viral Hepatitis and senior author of a report that appears in today's Journal of the American Medical Association. There were 25,000 to 35,000 cases of hepatitis A per year in this country before the era of vaccination. But in 2003, about 7,600 cases were reported, and the total for 2004 will probably be around 6,000.' (http:/ Research methodology The present research is based on comparing the existing literary sources and data in terms of positive and negative effects of childhood vaccination, for finding out the objective and profound conclusion. Theoretical framework The theoretical framework of the present research should be based on the analysis of the available data in relation to positive and negative effects of the vaccinations. At the same time, the main hypothesis of the work is that health care for both groups of children (those who have received their vaccinations according to the schedule and those who didn't) will not be different. The independent variable here is presented by the presence or absence of vaccination among children, while any differences in health medical care for them

Monday, September 9, 2019

Encouraging Teachers to Use Rubrics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Encouraging Teachers to Use Rubrics - Assignment Example m setting teachers already know beforehand what will make a given task average or excellent, this places the learners at a disadvantage from the start. Rubrics enables the teacher to provide a guideline that the students follow and in so doing they are able to increase the quality of their work and the knowledge they acquire from any given assignment. The use of rubrics by teachers is beneficial to all the parties involved in the education process such as the teachers, students and parents. It makes the assessment process more accurate and fair since each student is graded individually and not based on a general overall task given to them. Teachers also get to give instructions on how a task ought to be handled and the delivery process and so the students can streamline their work so as to achieve the desired outcome. Such instructions can be used by the students for self assessment (Hafner&Hafner, 2004). According to research, when done by peers, this type of critism helps learners to improve. Use of rubrics also makes the students aware of the learning targets, this way they can work in a manner that increases their chances of hitting them and so getting better

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Determination of the California Bearing Ratio CBR of an Engineering Lab Report

Determination of the California Bearing Ratio CBR of an Engineering Soil sample - Lab Report Example This value serves as a recommendation for the usage of the engineering soil in subgrades and base courses in pavements. The CBR value is a Rating or percentage which is calculated by comparing the measured pressure with the standard pressure. Then compared with the recommendation given by different engineering practicing bodies and authorities. The test is carried according to BS 1377: Part 4: 1990. As the procedure is already discussed in detail in the Laboratory Manual and the BSI Standard. Whereas the brief outline is that the first step is to prepare the sample to be tested, then the soil sample is compacted using the standard method. Then the sample is placed in the compression machine and after applying the seating load, the test is initiated and reading is taken for every 0.25 mm interval. Lastly the value of 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetration is recorded, and finally, the CBR value is calculated. But the results our test show that the curve for the bottom is above the curve of the standard this is not correct. Hence there is some source of error. These errors can be due to any reason; this could be due to the faulty apparatus, and there might be a permanent error in the dial gauges. There might be some initial reading that could have been considered and not eliminated later. There is a large error seen in the readings of the bottom of the CBR test, the result shows that the CBR value is more than 100% that is not possible. So these reading are not considered and discarded. Therefore the CBR value of 5% is found as an appropriate value. Then there are certain considerations to be taken while the experiment to have accurate readings. Firstly the face of the plunger must be leveled onto the sample face and no kern should be there. Then the surcharge plate must also be placed which will restrict from the heaving of the soil.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

World Geogrpahy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World Geogrpahy - Essay Example We begin by reading the testimony of a stampede that took place on Aug. 31, 2005 over a bridge over the Tigris River in Baghdad in which about 1,000 pilgrims lost their lives. Here we get to be introduced to Othman al-Obeidi, a Sunni who lost his life while trying to save Shi’ite from drowning in the river. Shi’ite consider him a martyr, some Sunnis too, while on the other hand a majority of Sunnis believe that he, â€Å"wasted his life for those animals† (Ghosh, p.1). The basic issue here is that there are mixed feelings between people on both ends. Some are friendly, while others have nothing but malice against each other. The origins of this fight began right after the death of Prophet Muhammad, with there being two groups of people; one who wished Muhammad’s Cousin Ali to be the Caliph, while others, the majority wanting Abu Bakr to become Caliph. After some years, a battle in the ground of Karbala took place in which the grandson of Muhammad, namely Hussein was martyred by Yazeed, the son of Muawiyah. Shi’ite mourns the death of Hussein each year on â€Å"Ashura† with â€Å"faithful march in the streets, beating their chests and crying in sorrow. The extremely devout flagellate themselves with swords and whips.† (Ghosh, p.2). Those who remained true to Muawiyah came to be known as Sunnis. Majority of Muslims across the world are Sunnis, but those who feel oppressed by their rulers are always attracted by the Shi’ite belief, which form a majority in countries like Iraq, Iran, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Pakistan. However, no matter how big the population be, it has generally been noted that Sunnis have remained politically in power in all the aforementioned countries (except Iran perhaps). Sunni leaders always upheld their domination by not including Shiites in the armed forces and bureaucracy. The

Friday, September 6, 2019

Money Is Not Everything Case Essay Example for Free

Money Is Not Everything Case Essay 1. According to C.S. Lewis there are three things morality is concerned about , what are those things? Explain each one. Morality, then, seems to be concerned with three things. First, with fair play and harmony between individuals. Second, with what might be called tidying up or harmonizing the things inside each individual. Third, with the general purpose of human life as a whole: what man was made for: what course the whole fleet ought to be one: what tune the conductor of the band wants it to play a. Personal – What’s the use of thinking and just drawing up rules if we don’t think that the courage and unselfishness of individuals is ever going to make any system work b. Communal – Kindness and fair play between nation, classes and individuals c. Purpose – the thinking that every individual lives on forever. This means that we are more valuable than anything in the world which will come to an end. 2. What are the 4 Cardinal Virtues? (Give a definition of cardinal and each of the virtues)? Cardinal virtues are virtues which are common to all people, Christian or not. It is derived from a Latin word meaning ‘the hinge of a door’ because they are pivotal d. Prudence – practical common sense; harmless as doves but also as wise as serpents e. Temperance – putting a limit to one’s â€Å"addictions† f. Justice – â€Å"fairness† g. Fortitude – 2 kinds of courage, faces danger and sticks it under pain; guts 3. What does it mean for commitment to be â€Å"elusive?† Breaking a commitment for a â€Å"higher† commitment; Breaking a commitment is considered bad by society; the less you think about your commitment, the deeper it is 4. What is the meaning of the statement â€Å"Commitment is a choice and a promise?† And how does it relate to freedom? Though we have a choice, people allow themselves to be afflicted with the voluntary slavery of indetermination. The promise is a particular kind of choice. Unlike every other choice we make, what is unique about a promise is that it describes something we intend to do in the future, whereas any other choice is a formal determination about the present. By giving my word, I am assuming an obligation, but I do more than that. I yield to another, or others, a claim over myself by creating an expectation in them concerning what I say I will do for them. Since we are given choices, it means that we have freedom. As more choices are given to us, we feel that there is more freedom. Also, choosing a commitment means that you are doing what you want. You would never deliberately choose something that you don’t want. In the end, you will feel more free with your commitment because you are doing something that you like doing. 5. Explain the meaning of conscience having both a subjective and objective aspect. Subjective: It is ours, we are responsible for how we decide Objective: it transcends our individualistic, private notions and â€Å"bind† us, calling us ur of ourselves into relation with others and before God 6. What is the difference of â€Å"fear conscience and philosophical-ethical conscience?† Fear conscience: â€Å"Baka mahuli ako† Philosophical: â€Å"Hindi magandang magnakaw† 7. What are the two axial commitments according to Haughey? Explain at least one of them? (note: you can decide just to give one or two examples for each axial commitment) h. The first is the commitment of God to His Son i. Self-donation as a general description 1. I am not growing this relationship. Should I end it? 2. Is self-donation opposed to freedom? ii. Complete commitment to the other in love is at the heart and core of the internal life of God Himself iii. Commitment is an essential part of existence iv. Commitment generates communion v. Commitment is compatible to freedom (self-donation) i. The other is Jesus’ commitment vi. Commitment is a process (Not a single act) vii. Commitment is motivated by love 3. Love one another as I have loved you viii. Commitment is about communion 4. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love ix. Commitment has a clear direction 5. No one comes to the Father except through me x. Commitment involves freedom 6. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord 8. What does it mean for Jesus’ commitment to be totally free? j. For this reason, the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father. 9. What is the meaning of this statement, â€Å"The purity of the commitment means you dont just make it, you yield to it—(freely, gladly made)†? 10. What is the meaning of this statement, â€Å"The commitment that is rooted in mutual presence of oneself and God more likely will be preserved?†